Predict and verify the period of a solid ring and a semi-circle foam oscillating around a certain pivot.
Photo-gate sensor and foam
1. Set up the apparatus as the pictures show.
2. Calculate the Inertia of the solid ring around the pivot.
3. Get the expression of angular acceleration and omega.
4. Calculate the value of the period.
5. Hanging the solid ring around the pivot, give a initial push so that the foam oscillate in a small angle. Record the period.
6. Repeat the step with a different pivot and for the semi-circle foam.
Part A: a solid ring
Part B: a semi-circle foam
Theoretical Period of the solid ring: 0.72212 s
Theoretical Period of the solid ring: 0.72212 s
Actual Period at the center of the circle: 0.721802 s
Theoretical Period at the center of the semi-circle: 0.738501 s
Actual Period at the center of the semi-circle: 0.739 s
Theoretical Period : 0.741046 s
Actual Period of the semi-circle at the top: 0.754 s
We successfully predict and verify the period of a solid ring and a semi-circle foam oscillating around a certain pivot.